Friday, October 21, 2022

Point of View: The Art and Technique of Photography

 How can I take better photos? This is a question I am often asked. When I first started taking photos back in the 1960's photography was an expensive hobby, that required buying film and the cost of processing. Today with modern digital cameras you can take all the pictures you want, and the results are immediate. Anyone can become a pro if you follow a few basic principles. Let's get started.

Your subject is the main point of interest in your photos so your viewpoint, where the camera is placed, will have the greatest impact on your composition. Most people make the mistake of shooting from only their eye level. Look at your subject from various angles, high above, low angle, from the side, etc. Use your imagination and study your subject at different angles.   

This statue of Jesus is a good example of various viewpoints of the same subject.

In the first two examples we establish the location of our subject.

Framing the subject with objects in the foreground creates good composition. 

Various angles, in this case a worm's eye view, renders a different emotion in the viewer. 

Sometimes you have to lay on the ground to get a shot like this. 

The time of day and weather conditions are factors that need to be considered. 

From this first very simple lesson you should improve you picture taking abilities. Now get out and put yourself to the test. The more you move around and study your subject the better your results. We'll post more tips and tricks to take better photos on this site so stay tuned., pub-2069110426706038, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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